Thursday 6 February 2014

Comparison Photos Medmerry Feb 06

Broad Rife/Outfall Bearing N - W - S - E
2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (Broad Rife/Outfall Bearing N)
This point has clearly shifted 20m Westward. I'm barley 8m from the west bank and the views are completely restricted as in the next three photos.

2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (Broad Rife/Outfall Bearing W)

2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (Broad Rife/Outfall Bearing S)

2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (Broad Rife/Outfall Bearing E)

 West Bund Bearing N - W - S - E
2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (West Bund Bearing N)

2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (West Bund Bearing W)
The camera is in the same position but you can see the expanse of shingle is growing and Broad rife realigning

2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (West Bund Bearing S)

2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (West Bund Bearing E)

Viewing Point Bearing N - W - S -E 
2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (Viewing Point Bearing N)
I had trouble climbing up here as the shingle had been partially washed away.

2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (Viewing Point Bearing W)

2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (Viewing Point Bearing S)
The Beach is certainly being eroded

2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (Viewing Point Bearing E)

East Reef Bearing  W - S - E (not north)
2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (East Reef Bearing W)

2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (East Reef Bearing S)

2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (East Reef Bearing E)

West  Reef Bearing N - W - S - E 
 2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (West Reef Bearing N)
This shows an enormous amount of shingle removed

2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (West Reef Bearing W)

2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (West Reef Bearing S)

2014 Feb 06 Medmerry (West Reef Bearing E)
The re-profiling of the beach is extensive. the shingle is very fine and exceptionally loose underfoot.

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Once upon a time there were Groynes

Once upon a time there were Groynes
Once upon a time there were Groynes